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Linux Server threatened

Minggu, Januari 04, 2009

United States Computer Emergency readiness Team (Cert), delivered the warning in the program that evil attack Linux servers in the world.

Menyusupi attack will be a computer program with the victims of evil called 'Phalanx2'. Phalanx is a type of rootkit, which is able to penetrate the operating system so that terdalam not detected by the user. Phalanx2 is the latest version of the malicious program that includes the ability to steal SSH (Secure Shell) Key.

As the name suggests, is an SSH Key 'key' that is used to open a secure connection between computers. If the key is successfully stolen by the evil-in this case Phalanx2-penetration to the computer will be easy to do.

Parahnya again, the system is' stolen kunci' its potential to deliver another key to the system. So that the feared attack Phalanx2 this will be like a virus attack.

One way to detect Phalanx2, as presented Cert, if there is a directory "/ etc/khubd.p2 /" in the system. Directory that can be accessed via the 'cd' but will not appear through the command 'ls'. Cert also ask the administrator to strengthen their password or passphrase.

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