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About Articles Registry in Windows XP

Sabtu, Januari 03, 2009

Registry is a database prepared by the hierarkis containing information about a configuration system, from the configuration of the hardware, software, file extension association with the application until the user preferences.
Registry of the configuration files *. This system is used in 16-bit Windows (Windows 3.x and Windows for Workgroups).
Registry, was first introduced in the system 16-bit Windows as a container information on the mapping / association with the file extension application, and then developed a data base with a broad scope of the system, Windows XP.

Registry in Windows XP is divided into five logical child fruit tree (subtree), which each tree is a set of keys (key) and the key (subkey), which organized the hierarkis.
The order is the same as the order of the directory in the file system.
Meanwhile, the physical, registry consists of several files that are referred to as a hive file and record transactions (transaction log) for each hive-hive is stored in the directory% systemroot% \ system32 \ config.

Following list of children's tree (subtree) Registry in Windows XP:
Ordinary HKCR called, is a place for storage configuration association / mapping a file extension or object Object linking and Embedding (OLE) with applications that can address them.
For example, the file berekstensi. Txt application will be handled by a text editor such as Notepad and many other.

Ordinary HKCU called, is a place for storage configuration that is owned by users who are doing logon, which stores information on user preferences configuration (desktop configuration, color, and other configuration of each user can customize terhadapnya).

Regular called HKLM, is a storage configuration for the system, which consists of hardware and software.
All the children there are in the tree is applied to all users.

Ordinary called HKU called, is a storage configuration for each user that is registered in the computer concerned.
Each of the key child is identified with the tree using the Security Identifier (SID), which is owned by the user.
When users logon, SID matches will be loaded into the sapling HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Ordinary called HKCC called, is a place for storage hardware configuration and operating system that is being used at that time, earned during the booting process is done.
The information stored here and volatil are not permanently stored in the container to the registry, but will always be made every time the booting process is done.

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